
Domestic Canine (Canis lupus familiaris) Anatomy Model

About the Canine Anatomy Model with Removable Parts:
This Canine Anatomy Model with Removable parts is a comprehensive look at all the features of the average canine. 
Though not life-size, this model includes 10 removable organs and parts, including a 2-part canine heart, liver, and lung. 

Additionally, this highly-detailed anatomical model includes multiple views of a canine: 
on one side, you can see a normal view of a dog,
 the other side includes the musculature and skeletal features.

 By dissecting into two separate halves for study, 
this model allows veterinarians, zoologists, students, teachers, or anyone else to easily identify multiple aspects of the domestic dog. 
The model's external features are highly detailed and mounted on a display base.

What is Included?
Display stand for easy viewing and study to ensure model always remains upright
10 removable parts including the intestines, liver, spleen, stomach, brain, vertebra, bladder, and lung

What we love about this Dissectible Canine Model:
Vibrant colors and textured parts allow for enjoyable study and demonstration for everyone
The magnets make dis-assembly and re-assembly simple and easy
10 removable organs and anatomical parts

Product Specifications:
Product dimensions: 16.5 in. x 6 in. x 12.5 in.
Product weight: 4.6 lbs.

 * 42 x 15 x 32 cm; 2kg * 

악세사리 상품 이미지-S1L3