Classic Flexible Spine with femur heads and painted muscles

채색이 되있고 고관절이 달린 척추 모형

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근육의 기, 시점이 표현 되어 있습니다.
골반과 후두골 L3-L4번 추간판[연골]이 탈수(脫垂)되어 있고, 이동이 가능한 받침대가 제공 됩니다.

Painted spines add a new dimension to demonstrations. Muscle origins (red) and insertions (blue) are painted on left innominate, femur and vertebrae of spine. This spine is not only an extremely good value but the spine is also durable. The following features are find on this spine model:

Stand is not included with spine, please see A59/8.

83 cm ; 2.1 kg