Functional Shoulder Joint

기본형 어깨관절 모형

특 징 (Features)
- 견관절의 주요 인대 부착
- 다음과 같은 구성
ㆍ상완골 일부

외전(abduction), 전경(anteversion), 퇴행(retroverion), 내부, 외부 회전 등을 설명하는데 좋음.

This high quality functional shoulder joint model provides a graphic demonstration of the anatomy and mechanics of the shoulder joint, allowing better doctor-patient or teacher-student understanding of the anatomy of joints. Use this life-size and fully flexible shoulder joint to demonstrate abduction, anteversion, retroversion, internal/external rotation and much more. Shoulder joint model consists of shoulder blade, collar bone, portion of humerus and joint ligaments. The Functional shoulder joint is on a stand for easy study of the anatomy of the human shoulder.

32 cm ; 0.56 kg