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Combine the hands-on constructive learning experience of the Heart as a Pump: Cardiac Function Simulator with the Heart of America - Student Version and you have a complete curriculum that incorporates both physiology and anatomy.

Designed for hands on collaborative learning by teams of 3-4 students, the Cardiac Function Simulator simulates key functions of the four chambered heart. Package includes the pumping heart model with support base, and illustrated manual which includes a 3-4 hour inquiry exercise, directly insertable into any anatomy and physiology curriculum.

Derived from the same mold as our Original Heart of America, the Student Version, a more simplified reproduction, is perfect for introductory study. A 7-page study guide explains the physiological function of each of the 39 features number-coded on the model.

Painstakingly researched and executed by today’s top medical illustrators the accompanying poster covers the basic structure and function of the heart. Full-coverage 1.5 mil lamination with sealed edges virtually impervious to moisture makes this poster a great addition to any lab.