A. 특 징 (Features)
- 약 5세의 소아 척추
- 후두골, 골반, 천추, 미추 포함
- 척추관에 척추신경, 마미신경이 정밀히 표현
ㆍ척추 : 추체 및 추골궁이 부분적으로 발육이 끝나지 않음
ㆍ천골 : 개별적인 천추들이 완전히 융합되지 않음
ㆍ골반 : 비구의 Y자 연골이 열려있으며, 장골 및 치골, 좌골이 완전히 연결되어 있지 않음

This true-to-life anatomical replica of the vertebral column of a child of about 5 years old is especially interesting for those working in the areas of anatomy, pediatrics, orthopaedics and pediatric radiology. The unique material of the spine model makes it almost visually indistinguishable from a real vertebral column.

The flexible vertebral column including occipital plate, pelvis and sacroccyx is mounted on a stand. Within the spinal canal, the spinal cord with cauda equina and exiting nerve roots are represented in flexible material.

This youth vertebral column is particularly useful in studying the phases of bone growth.  This includes:

  • Vertebrae - partially incomplete development of vertebral bodies and vertebral arches
  • Sacrum - as yet incomplete fusion of individual sacral vertebrae.  This commences at around the age of 15.
  • Pelvis - still open Y cartilage as main growth plate of the acetabulum.  The hip, pubic and ischial bone parts are not yet connected (didactically fixed with brackets in the model).  These fuse around the age of 14-16.

*We are currently taking pre-orders for this product.  Product will be available shortly.