
Canine Skeleton - Fixed Articulation on Base

This complete canine skeleton  is representative of a small domestic dog featuring detailed plastic bones. 
The Canine Skeleton is a perfect learning tool to study a canine's skull, cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertrae, lumbar vertebrae, and the caudal vertebrae. 
The model features a removable tail and skull with articulating mandible, attached by metal pins. 
The entire model is articulated with special attention to the canine rib cage, fore and hind limbs of the animal. 
The skeleton is firmly mounted on a plastic base for stability and display.

This mounted skeleton is particularly suitable for general veterinary study and for the education and demonstration of procedures to pet owners.

악세사리 화이트 색상 이미지-S3L1
악세사리 그레이 색상 이미지-S1L3
악세사리 상품상세 이미지-S1L4