Digestive System, 3 part

3분리 소화기계 모형

1. 실제 인체의 크기로 소화계 전체 구성요소 표현

2. 분리되는 위장 앞부분 절반 모형
2. 구강, 식도, 쓸개간, 십이지장, 맹장, 직장 등을 표현

3. 십이지장, 맹장, 직장은 개방 가능하며, 결장근은 분리 가능
Life-size human digestive system model that demonstrates the entire digestive system in graphic relief. Digestive system features:

  • Nose
  • Mouth cavity and Pharynx
  • Esophagus
  • GI tract
  • Liver with gall bladder
  • Pancreas
  • Spleen

The duodenum, caecum and rectum of the digestive system are opened. The transverse colon and front stomach wall are removable from the digestive system for detailed study of the anatomy. This high quality digestive system is a great teaching tool for any anatomy lesson or doctor's office. Digestive system mounted on baseboard for easy display in the classroom.

81 x 33 x 10 cm / 3.377kg