Eye, 5 times full-size, 11-part


1. 5배 확대 대형 안구 모형으로 , 11부분으로 분리 가능
2. 연합 구조 형태이며, 시신경을 표현한 안구
3. 공막, 직근과 측방 직근, 1개의 각막 절반을 표현
4. 렌즈와 조자체액, 눈물선 등도 표현 

This model shows the eyeball with optic nerve in its natural position in the bony orbit (floor and medial wall).
Additionally, this model shows the relation between eye, bones, muscles, and outer structures of the eye.
Dissectible into:
* Two halves of the sclera
* Optic nerve
* M. rectus superior
* M. rectus lateralis
* Cornea half
* Lens
* Lachrymal system
* Vitreous humour
* Tear gland
* Associated structures

33 x 30 x 38 cm : 4.9 kg